Going to University
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Goingto.University is a free-to-use advice and information service for every step of studying at university abroad.
We cover in detail all of the steps on how to become an international student, including how to make the best decisions on course, university and destination choice, as well as advice for applying, enrolling and thriving whilst studying a degree or masters abroad.
Read our higher education guidesExplore our guides to higher education
Our comprehensive guides cover everything you need to know about studying at university, so you know what to expect along your study journey. They are arranged into the following categories.
Choosing a University
Our first section of higher education guides helps you through the very start of the higher education process. Where do you begin when choosing your course or your university?
For international students, we discuss how you can decide in which country to study.
We also address many common questions for students, such as how much it costs to go to university, how to apply for a student visa, and how to actually make your university application.
See all university choice guides
Applying to University
In our guides about applying to university, we talk about everything to do with making your application for a university course.
We introduce topics such as selecting an education agent, providing proof of your language abilities and finances, and looking for university scholarships.
We also talk about issues you may run into and how to solve them, such as using the university clearing process in the UK.
See all applying to university guides
Getting Ready for University
Before you begin your studies at university, it is helpful to be fully prepared. Our guides to help you get ready for university cover topics such as finding accommodation, arranging your transport and deciding which items to pack when leaving for university.
See all university preparation guides
University Life
Knowing what to expect during your time at university can go a long way to helping you settle in your new surroundings.
Our guides cover useful topics to help you hit the ground running, telling you what to expect during your first lectures, settling into accommodation as a fresher and how to look after yourself in your new surroundings.
We also discuss things that you will experience later on in your studies, such as VIVA assessments and how to prepare for exams.
See all university life guides
After University
After completing your studies, you have some decisions to make. We help you consider whether you would like to stay in higher education with a masters degree or postdoctoral research, and what careers to consider after your degree.
We also cover how to apply for jobs and how to prepare for job interviews.
See all guides for after your studies